Thursday, November 27, 2014

Facebook 10 Blessing Challenge for the Salvation Army

Ready to be blessed?
To create a atmosphere of thankfulness in my heart, I am creating the "10 Blessing Challenge" to my friends and family. Here's how it goes... post 10 blessings in 10 hours and challenge 10 others to do the same. If you don't, you have to give $10 to the Salvation Army buckets this season!
Here is my list:
1. My family is healthy.
2. My husband has a job.
3. My girls are growing.
4. We have family and friends who love us.
5. We know that no matter what happens in the next year, we are loved and will be provided for.
6. We have great passion for what we believe.
7. God has put awesome people in our lives to guide us, love us, and support us.
8. We have a warm house.
9. My girls are sharing the same great passion, but taking different paths. It is awesome to see God's plan emerging in their lives.
10. We have enough leftovers that I do not have to cook for at least two days!
Now it is your turn, share and challenge! GO!

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