Saturday, May 19, 2012

Kashi = GMOs

The Kellogg brand Kashi is in trouble. A recent sample tested by Cornucopia contained 100% GMO soy. Like any spoiled child, Kellogg stamped their foot and whined that no testing had actually occurred. 

Cornucopia's research director, Will Fantle, stated in response:

"We purchased a readily available box of Kashi's GoLean® cereal from a Whole Foods store. We then sent a sample to an accredited national lab for testing, finding that the soy in the natural cereal was 100% GMO."
Caught in their lie, Kellogg is now promising that their products will, within 3 years, contain a whopping 70% organic ingredients. This may fool some, but it is clearly a way to save profits. They may as well say they are changing their inGREEDients, as their intention is not on food quality, but strictly on profits.

Further research revealed Kellogg's plan. By 2015 all NEWLY INTRODUCED Kashi products will be NON-GMO project certified ( They say nothing about their current line.
(Click here to see an enlarged version of this chart)
According to Phil Howard, Kellogg also owns Bear Naked, Gardenburger, Morningstar Farms and Natural Touch brands. Expect your favorite natural brands to change recipes when the corporate ownership changes. It is also important to note that you should ALWAYS read the ingredient labels of the foods you purchase, and CALL the company, to be sure there are no food allergens, (such as soy) in the recipe.

Sometimes though, you may not get all the answers you are looking for.

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