Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gluten Free Product Review - Julian Bakery ZERO Cookies

 Ginger Spice, Cocoa Delight and Strawberry Banana Perfection
Photo courtesy of

I recently was given the opportunity to try Julian Bakery's "Zero!" cookies. I must say this is one of those gluten free products that I, being the sweet tooth that I am, was very eager to try. These treats have zero net carbs, no gluten and no sugar, which is quite intriguing, but how do they taste?

Soft AND Chewy "Home Baked" Texture

Gluten free cookies are often not soft and are certainly never chewy. Somehow the folks at Julian Bakery did both in these cookies, AND they STAY that way after they are opened! This my friends is nothing short of a miracle.

Sweet, But Not Too Much

Sometimes in an effort to win us over, gluten free manufacturers bombard us with too much sugar. Zero! cookies are designed not just to meet the needs of those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, but they have crossed boundaries and offered something good for diabetics as well. The Zero cookie is also naturally sugar free, so you are not downing a bunch of chemicals (for more see my information on processed coconut and grain fumigation). Instead they use Erythritol, Stevia and Monk's Fruit extract. While I would have preferred a bit more sweetness in the Cocoa Delight, the other flavors (Strawberry Banana Perfection and Ginger Spice) were plenty sweet enough.

WHEYt a Minute!

Alas, I did find that these cookies were not completely dairy free. They do have whey protein in all three flavors. Whey is an excellent source of nutrition, unless you are sensitive to the protein. I've not really experimented with anything containing whey before and I found I had no reaction to the Zero! cookies. I actually felt energized after eating these, which is the opposite of what a K-too does to me.

As you can see from this photo, the Ginger Spice were my favorite. Julian Bakery's website has a list of why they call them "Zero!" cookies. I can add one more to that list. There will be "Zero!" left! Don't worry, the hubby got enough of the Cocoa Delights. ;)


  1. How big are each cookie in diameter. I know the serving size is one cookie for 60 calories so I was wonering if they were small since
    Im on a low calorie diet.

    1. They are NOT small!! At about 2 1/2 inches in diameter they are a very good sized cookie, AND all that protein makes them filling!! I could eat about two of these and be completely satisfied. Thanks for the question Natalie!

  2. Whey protein isolate has only trace amounts of casein and lactose, so it's generally OK for those avoiding dairy, perhaps excluding the very few who are sensitive to even the tiniest bit:

    1. Thanks for the info Eric! One of my daughters is very sensitive to cow’s milk and other cow based dairy products, but we have had good luck with goat's milk cheese. We are also experimenting with raw dairy, which has the digestive enzymes, such as lactase which helps digest the lactose, intact. You may know that pasteurization destroys these enzymes that help us digest the proteins and sugars in the milk.

      Thanks again for commenting, and supplying such a great link!! :)

  3. I just want to let people know something about Julian Bakery. They advertise everywhere and seem to have good reviews, but this is beacuse the delete bad reviews and try to bribe customers to remove nagative reviews. If you search enough, you can find the negative. Their customer service is awful, they rarely respond to anything about order status and never respond to complaints. I ordered 10 loaves of their bread which molded in 1 day. After a customer service nightmare (and 4 weeks later) I received the "replacement" bread which was so moldy that an awful stench was surrounding the box. I have since learned that this is a normal occurance with Julian's Bakery. I just want to say BUYER BEWARE!

  4. We have been in business for twenty years and all our reviews are real! We also have 160,000+ Facebook fans I suppose those are fake also.

  5. I'm glad to see Julian Bakery responded. I must say that I am surprised at your assessment Ladylight. I found them to be responsive and their products to be of VERY high quality, and this is from someone who shops almost exclusively at Whole Foods. They opt to use ingredients that cost more, and they provide detailed information on their website, which is another costly customer service. They are truly creating innovative, high quality products that address the needs of so many. Thank you Julian Bakery!


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