Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gluten Free Product Review - Julian Bakery ZERO Cookies

 Ginger Spice, Cocoa Delight and Strawberry Banana Perfection
Photo courtesy of

I recently was given the opportunity to try Julian Bakery's "Zero!" cookies. I must say this is one of those gluten free products that I, being the sweet tooth that I am, was very eager to try. These treats have zero net carbs, no gluten and no sugar, which is quite intriguing, but how do they taste?

Soft AND Chewy "Home Baked" Texture

Gluten free cookies are often not soft and are certainly never chewy. Somehow the folks at Julian Bakery did both in these cookies, AND they STAY that way after they are opened! This my friends is nothing short of a miracle.

Sweet, But Not Too Much

Sometimes in an effort to win us over, gluten free manufacturers bombard us with too much sugar. Zero! cookies are designed not just to meet the needs of those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, but they have crossed boundaries and offered something good for diabetics as well. The Zero cookie is also naturally sugar free, so you are not downing a bunch of chemicals (for more see my information on processed coconut and grain fumigation). Instead they use Erythritol, Stevia and Monk's Fruit extract. While I would have preferred a bit more sweetness in the Cocoa Delight, the other flavors (Strawberry Banana Perfection and Ginger Spice) were plenty sweet enough.

WHEYt a Minute!

Alas, I did find that these cookies were not completely dairy free. They do have whey protein in all three flavors. Whey is an excellent source of nutrition, unless you are sensitive to the protein. I've not really experimented with anything containing whey before and I found I had no reaction to the Zero! cookies. I actually felt energized after eating these, which is the opposite of what a K-too does to me.

As you can see from this photo, the Ginger Spice were my favorite. Julian Bakery's website has a list of why they call them "Zero!" cookies. I can add one more to that list. There will be "Zero!" left! Don't worry, the hubby got enough of the Cocoa Delights. ;)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Bottled Water Brand to Make a Splash in Africa

Humankind Bottled Water to Give 100% of Profits to Drill Wells

A new company has put a new twist to the bottled water industry by using 100 percent of their profits to fund wells in Africa. While some are condemning the bottled water industry, the chlorine and fluoride in municipal drinking water leaves little else for health conscious families to choose from. The fight to take back municipal water continues, and Humankind water fills the gap. This all while helping the world drink cleaner water.
They are asking people to vote to bring them to the shelves of our local Walmart. Visit them at to vote.

As a spokesperson for the company says, "When you buy Humankind water, you buy humankind... water."

Medical Update: 15 Years Gluten-Free... Still No Seizures, and No Meds

Seizures suck. Ask anyone who has had them. Last September marked 15 years without a single seizure for me without any anti-seizure medicati...